
Sri Lanka is a tropical country which is located in Indian ocean and it has very rich biodiversity due to rapid change in climatic zones from coastal to hillside. It has different types of rain patterns throughout the year and counties WET ZONE is results of its own rain pattern due to highland mountains. The highland mountain range act as a barrier to the wind which carry moisture from water surface in lowland and thus this moisture rich wind go up straight to highland mountains. The moisture then condense due to high elevation and supply continuous rain to the WET ZONE forests.
The final result of this different type of rain patterns  is water streams which are starting to flow from top of the mountains.
Those flowing water bodies given birth to the water plants in the island. Country has its own type of water plants and contributed to survive many native species in Asian region. Island is very popular for Cryptocoryne, Aponogeton and Lagenandra species. In this blog i am very happy to introduce genaral guidance to identify above mention three families and species belongs to them..

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